Prose without Thorns

editing | proofreading | coaching | book doctoring

my services

Developmental Editing

I solidify your story’s foundation—its plot, characters, pacing, and conflicts.

Content Editing

I analyze your nonfiction project’s premise and how you present, organize, and support it.

Line Editing

I assess how your word choice and sentence structure affect the clarity, flow, and tone of your work.

Copy Editing

I eliminate errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling, as well as remove typos, extra words, and other pesky mistakes.


The last call for catching copy errors and ensuring consistent formatting.

Project Consulting

I help you create a plan for getting to the next phase of your writing project.

Book Doctoring

I can revise or rewrite your draft and bring it back to life.


I am Denise Leora Madre, a bibliophile with a BA in English. I am also an editor, a published writer, and a tireless champion of the Oxford comma.

I founded Prose without Thorns to help writers uncover their best work. Using detailed feedback and smart editing, I produce professional, polished manuscripts while preserving your unique voice.

I have worked on more than one hundred writing projects and would be delighted to learn about yours. Complete the Client Interest Form or send me a message to get started.

Let’s talk about your project!