Regardless of length or style, every story has certain basic elements.

  • There’s at least one main character.
  • That character has a goal.
  • That character faces conflict.
  • By story’s end, that character has achieved that goal or not.

Stories also have a setting, use dialogue, include tropes, fit within genres, and require good pacing.

Developmental Editing assesses how well all of these elements play together in your story.

This is why developmental editing is the first—and arguably most important—stop in your editing journey. Readers can overlook grammatical or spelling errors in an un-put-down-able story.

But if they find plot holes or confusing characters, that book may be heading to the DNF pile…

… which, for the uninitiated, stands for “DID NOT FINISH.”

*cue internal screaming*

Developmental editing keeps your work out of that dreaded dumpster and in your readers’ eager hands where it belongs.


Your story needs developmental editing if

  • You’re a first-time writer;
  • It’s a first draft;
  • Your prereaders say the story was confusing or didn’t work;
  • This is your first time writing this genre; or
  • You have revised it several times, but it still doesn’t feel “right.”

 Developmental editing includes

  • Three full read-throughs of your manuscript;
  • Detailed analysis of issues with plot, characters, conflict, genre/tropes, dialogue, setting, and pacing;
  • Inline comments on how to address those issues;
  • A comprehensive editorial letter with a clear action plan and next steps; and
  • A 60-minute Zoom call to discuss the feedback.

 Developmental editing does not include

  • Rewrites or revisions; or
  • Assessment of and/or corrections to the writing’s clarity, tone, flow, style, diction, grammar, syntax, spelling, or punctuation.


Nonfiction is a broad category that includes snarky self-help books, inspirational memoirs, and practical business guide. But these diverse titles have similar needs.

  • A specific, compelling topic
  • Presented in a cohesive way
  • With solid structure
  • And well-organized writing

Content Editing puts all these pieces in their proper place, so you can share your unique perspective.

See, readers want to hear what you know, believe, and feel; that’s why they picked up your book. But without the right framework, unedited nonfiction can easily become unfocused, unclear, or uninteresting…

… which is unfortunate for you and your readers.

Content editing saves you both from this terrible fate by keeping your book on track.



  • You’re a first-time writer;
  • It’s a first draft;
  • This is your first time writing nonfiction;
  • You are writing about a personal experience; or
  • You have revised it several times, but it still doesn’t feel “right.”


  • Three full read-throughs of your manuscript;
  • Detailed analysis of content/topic, structure, organization, and cohesiveness;
  • Inline comments on how to address any issues;
  • A comprehensive editorial letter with a clear action plan and next steps; and
  • A 60-minute Zoom call to discuss the feedback.


  • Rewrites or revisions; or
  • Assessment of or corrections to clarity, tone, flow, style, diction, grammar, syntax, or punctuation except as relates to the included areas.


Once you are satisfied with what you wrote, it’s time to address how you wrote it—the words you’ve chosen, how each paragraph or section connects the next, if the grammar and spelling are correct, and so on.

This phase is Line Editing and Copy Editing, two separate edits I perform at once.

Line editing assesses

  • Clarity, which is how clearly your words convey what you mean;
  • Tone, which is the feeling or mood your writing creates in the reader; and
  • Flow, which is how well each word, sentence, section, or chapter connects to the next one.

Whether you’ve written a historical romance or a humorous memoir, your work could be ruined by confusing word choices, abrasive language, and clunky writing. Line editing cures these ills, so your voice can shine.

Copy editing complements this work by correcting grammar, spelling, punctuation errors, and typos. It also ensures consistent spacing and font choices.

The wonder twins of editing, these two services will whip your work into publish-ready shape.



  • After you revise your first draft;
  • If you are confident in what you wrote but not how it’s written;
  • If editors or prereaders said the concept is good but the writing needs work;
  • If it is longer than you’d like; or
  • If it has not been line and/or copy edited before.


  • Line-by-line correction of issues with clarity, tone, flow, diction, syntax, grammar, punctuation, spelling, typos, missing, incorrect, and/or extra words;
  • In-line comments, questions, and suggestions; and
  • A style sheet outlining spelling, punctuation, formatting, and other choices.


  • Feedback on the manuscript’s content unless that feedback is related to changes in the above areas.


If you’re a seasoned writer with a few books under your belt, you probably have a clear writing voice and style and little need for the support of a line edit.

You might, however, suffer from problematic punctuation or shaky spelling.

In that case, you need Copy Editing.

Copy editing only focuses on the rightness of what appears on the page, the “copy” as they say in newspaper-speak. It corrects and standardizes grammar, spelling, punctuation, and formatting while addressing missing or extra words.

Copy editing gets your book ready for the ball, making sure everything is just right before it heads into the next phase of publishing.



  • If it has never had copy editing or proofreading; or
  • If you’re catching errors as you read through it.


  • Line-by-line correction of issues with grammar, punctuation, spelling, typos, missing, incorrect, and/or extra words;
  • In-line comments, questions, and suggestions (rare and only if needed); and
  • A style sheet outlining spelling, punctuation, and formatting choices.


  • Feedback on the manuscript’s content unless that feedback is related to changes in the above areas; or
  • Feedback on/corrections to the manuscript’s clarity, tone, flow, diction, or syntax unless that feedback is related to changes in the above areas.

Sometimes you just want to know where your manuscript stands. Is it solid or shaky? Nearly there or way off the mark? Should you keep going with this idea or switch to something else?

A Manuscript Evaluation can help answer these questions.

There are three levels available for a manuscript evaluation. Each one assesses how your project aligns with expectations of your chosen genre(s)—that is, does your cozy mystery have the elements expected of a cozy mystery? Each level also identifies one, two, or three main areas of your manuscript that need to be revised.

Because a manuscript evaluation does not include editing, level three also suggests which edit(s) your manuscript needs—developmental, line, and/or copy editing.

A manuscript evaluation reveals the areas of your project needing attention, so you can reconsider, revise, or rewrite them.



  • If you’re not sure about it;
  • If you haven’t had any professional feedback yet;
  • If this is your first book; or
  • If you’re getting mixed feedback from your prereaders.


  • One full read-through of your manuscript;
  • An assessment of how your manuscript aligns with genre expectations;
  • Identification of one, two, or three main elements of the manuscript needing revising; and
  • A discount on your first editing service if booked with a deposit within 30 days of the manuscript evaluation.


  • Specific feedback or suggestions about the manuscript; or
  • Inline comments on the manuscript.


Writing can be a lonely endeavor. You plan alone, research alone, and write alone, often having no one to talk to about your project but you.

You need another perspective.

A Project Consultation provides that perspective and feedback, so your project can move forward. Whether you’re working on an outline, your fifth draft, or something in between, a project consultation will ensure you know exactly what to do next.


  • If you don’t know how to approach your book;
  • If you’re confused or uncertain about what to do next;
  • If you have too many ideas; or
  • If you want a clear plan before you start writing.


  • A pre-consultation form including your three concerns/questions;
  • A 30- or 60-minute phone call covering those concerns/questions; and
  • A post-call email summary including solutions and next steps.


  • Any reading or evaluation of your work

Lissa Bryan, Novelist, says…

Denise edited several short stories for me. She was detailed and thorough and made good suggestions in areas where my wording was a bit awkward. Her input polished up my stories and made them shine. Denise is also a pleasure to work with on a personal level. She’s prompt, has a friendly, engaging personality, and understands how to work with writers to make their work the best it can possibly be. I recommend her highly.”

Gabriel Bouch, Lead Pastor at Freedom Church Philly, says…

I connected with Denise a few years ago to edit a short book I had authored. She was so helpful! She corrected grammar mistakes, suggested alternate wordings, helped with transitioned, clarified confusing statements, and just made the work better all around. She was a dream to work with! I highly recommend her services!”

Rochelle Allison, Romance Writer, says…

I’ve worked several times with Prose Without Thorns, and I always come away satisfied! Not only does Denise have an eagle eye when it comes to grammar, spelling, and editing in general, she’s wonderfully intuitive with story and prose. Denise is professional and honest, as well as compassionate. Highly recommend!”

Jenny Vazquez-Newsum, Ed.D., Author, Public Speaker, and Founder of Untapped Leaders, says…

I cannot recommend Denise highly enough! Denise is an expert editor. She is thorough, knowledgeable, and professional. Denise strengthened my manuscript with line edits and editorial questions that pushed me to fill gaps and write more clearly. Contracting Denise has proven to be an essential step in my writing process. I know who I will be calling for all future projects!”

Susanne Barrett, Writer, Editor, and Educator, says…

Denise is one of those rare editors who can see the ‘big picture’ in fiction and help the author toward her goal. At the same time she notes the impact of small details on the overall storyline. In addition to being a talented author in her own right, Denise invests herself wholeheartedly and wholemindedly into her writers’ stories, helping to mold and shape the overall product into a work that is professional, memorable, and impactful.”